My streaming group

Welcome to my streaming group! You’ve seen these group members in my videos, and now I ask that you give them a follow too. While we often stream together, we also have our own games and sessions that we hope you will enjoy!


These are the members of the streaming group.
Join us on Discord for notices when any of us go live!

Genysism formerly known as MasterGigadrain

PC, Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch

YouTube | Heroes Hideaway | Cynitech | Twitter | Patreon

VoidMage formerly known as VoidsReaper

PC, Xbox

SoullesFire formerly known as USNavy24

PC, Xbox

Also featuring

These are friends of the group that we like to play with:

  • Sonic (aka: Sonic Boom 5555, SoniKopia, Sonic Boom 5×4)
  • xOrder
  • Dr Flard
  • KarakuriKetsu
  • AincradLegend99

[AI test]Streaming Friends Network

Welcome to our streaming friends network! We are a group of passionate gamers who love to entertain and share our gaming experiences with you. Whether we’re playing together or embarking on our individual gaming adventures, we aim to create enjoyable and memorable content for our audience.

Meet Our Group Members

Genysism (formerly known as MasterGigadrain)

Genysism Avatar

Join Genysism on Twitch as he showcases his skills on PC, Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo Switch. Make sure to follow him and catch his streams for epic gaming moments. You can also find him on YouTube, visit his gaming community Heroes Hideaway, follow him on Twitter, and support him on Patreon.

VoidMage (formerly known as VoidsReaper)


Discover the gaming world with VoidMage on Twitch. Whether he’s playing on PC or Xbox, his streams promise excitement and entertainment. Don’t miss out on his captivating gameplay and follow him on his streaming journey.

SoullesFire (formerly known as USNavy24)


Join SoullesFire on Twitch as he conquers the virtual realms on PC and Xbox. Engage in his gameplay sessions and explore the immersive worlds he dives into.

Featuring Our Friends

We also frequently collaborate and have fun gaming sessions with our friends. Here are some of the fantastic individuals that you might encounter while watching our streams:

  • Sonic (aka Sonic Boom 5555, SoniKopia, Sonic Boom 5×4)
  • xOrder
  • Dr Flard
  • KarakuriKetsu
  • AincradLegend99

Make sure to join us on Discord to receive notifications when any of us go live! We appreciate your support and hope that you enjoy our diverse gaming experiences. Together, let’s embark on thrilling adventures in the world of gaming!